What Will Be The Most In-Demand Jobs This Decade?

The last decade saw huge technological strides that, while not quite what we had expected 50 years ago (we expected flying cars by now didn’t we?), were huge nonetheless. Electric cars are fast becoming the norm in developing countries, and A.R and V.R are starting to become more prevalent to name just a few. So who is building and driving these advances? While the most requested jobs this decade won’t solely be related to advances in technology, they will certainly form a big part. Below, we have a look at what are set to be of the most in-demand jobs this decade.

Healthcare professionals

The ongoing pandemic has ravaged healthcare systems all over the world and shown the importance, strengths, and weakness of many systems. None were spared the wrath of Covid and many have lost doctors and nurses who will not be easy to replace. Even with the advancements made in A.I, we are still nowhere near able to replace humans, nor would we want to. The pay, average in developed countries, is pretty good for these jobs, too.


Whether it be electronic, chemical, civil or mechanical to name a few, engineers are across the board already in short supply, and will likely be in even more demand over the next few years. We need engineers to build our IT and booking room systems, our roads, buildings, medicines and cars. By the looks of it, demand will only be increasing in the near future.

E-commerce workers

Automation in factories and warehouses is increasing rapidly, with companies such as Amazon in the  US and Alibaba in China, investing billions of dollars in machines to improve efficiency, but there are still many jobs in the process that require human intervention. So while automation is increasing, so is the demand from e-commerce, and for the foreseeable future workers from packers to delivery drivers are only going to become even more in-demand.

Digital marketers

Given the proliferation of smartphones, laptops and generally any device with the ability to connect to the internet, this has also given rise to marketing opportunities online, and for that we need digital marketers. Experts in drawing and retaining modern-day viewer’s short attention span, modern businesses have to carefully consider their ability to market digitally if they want to be successful nowadays.

Truck drivers

We may see news every other week about increasingly automated vehicles with the goal of making them driverless, but in all honesty, it doesn’t look like truck drivers will be obsolete within the next 10 years. Increasing globalisation and transactions made online are fueling the need to transport goods across the country and the world, especially by truck. For this reason alone, we should only expect the demand for this job to increase shortly.