How To Become A Digital Nomad In 2021

The nomadic lifestyle has become more and more widespread over the last decade and the global covid-19 pandemic has probably made many people wonder, what it takes to become a digital nomad. 

A lot of people have realized that their job can be done from home and flexibility presents new opportunities. But how do you become a digital nomad in 2021? And is the lifestyle suitable for you.

How do you become a digital nomad?

Many people fantasize about becoming a digital nomad because we live in a time where social media make it seem like the dream. Digital nomads share all their amazing travel experiences on social media platforms like Instagram and it’s easy to think that they live a life free from struggles and worries. However this is far from the truth, we all have bad days and things we need to deal with and most digital nomads also have to work a 9-5 schedule, they just prefer to do it in a place where they can enjoy their free time more. 

Many different ways will allow you to become a digital nomad and bring your work along while traveling. As a digital nomad you could: 

–      Start a freelance business

– Find a company that hires remote workers

–   Create your own blog

– Start a YouTube channel

– Become a yoga instructor

– Become a surf- or travel guide

– Teach a language as an online tutor

– Create a webshop and use dropshipping

The possibilities are endless, but the most important thing is to take the time to prepare before you commit to the digital nomad lifestyle. 

If you are starting out as a freelancer or just created your own blog, it will be smart to stay at home and even keep your current job, until the new “side-hustle” starts to take off. Starting a new business can be overwhelming at first and bringing the work to unknown places, will only add an extra level of stress. So our best advice is to take your time to build a substantial income and get a good structure on your business before you leap into the nomadic lifestyle. 

Advantages of a nomadic lifestyle

The biggest advantage of the digital nomad lifestyle has to be freedom. As a digital nomad, you are in charge of your own time and you can be working from anywhere in the world, as long as there is good WIFI. This gives a high level of freedom, which attracts many people into pursuing this lifestyle in the first place. 

Another great advantage of being a digital nomad is that your currency can become more valuable. Allow us to explain…

Let’s for example say that you’re doing freelance work, where you get paid in American Dollars and receive 2000 USD every month. If you would be living in a big city in the US, this salary would hardly cover your rental costs and monthly bills. But as a digital nomad, you have the power of the currency to your advantage. That means that you can bring the same 2000 USD to Asia and suddenly you can live a very good lifestyle for the same salary. 

The last big advantage that we want to point out, is the fact that you get to choose your colleagues. When traveling and working on your own, you will spend time in cafes, co-working spaces, etc. In these places, you will meet like-minded people, with the same motivations and dreams. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people will push you to become better, lead to new business opportunities and great friendships.

Disadvantages of a nomadic lifestyle

For people that prefer structure and familiar surroundings, the digital nomad lifestyle can quickly become stressful, since you’re are always on the move and will be living in unknown places. 

 Even for those who love this lifestyle of constant change, there can be disadvantages, such as making long-term relationships with people. You might make some really good friends on the road, but a few months later you’re finding yourself in a new destination, where you need to start building relations again. Some people get lonely after a while and others learn to accept that nothing lasts forever and appreciate all the inspiring people they get a chance to crossroads with. 

However, the internet is making it easier to stay connected with friends and family at home.

Is the nomadic lifestyle for you?

Whether or not the nomadic lifestyle is right for you, is hard to tell if you haven’t tried it out. But if you enjoy “being your own boss”, thrive in changing environments, and don’t like routines, then that might be a sign that you would thrive as a digital nomad. 

The only way you will find out, is by giving it a try!